
The Mundella website, replacement of the Mundella Old Scholars' Association, has managed at last to get a new poppy wreath on the WW1 memorial at St Mary's in the Lace Market.

Having searched for years for what was popularly supposed to be a similar WW2 Memorial, we found a small item in an old School magazine which stated that MOSA had launched an appeal, not for a solid memorial, but for funds to send 2 pupils every year to Europe in memory of those who died in WW2. Sadly there had been a poor response, and we can only assume that the idea was abandoned. It seems unlikely therefore that there was ever a solid memorial, unless anyone has any photos? So we've mocked up the 1945 magazine cover, and placed 2 sheets in it with all the names we know.

If you get chance to go and see it, please do; there are lots of other interesting items in the Church, but check service times online.