"Mundella 39ers et al" Luncheon Group meets once every three months at the Wollaton Pub, (formerly the Willoughby) Lambourne Drive, Wollaton, NG8 1GR, which is off Wollaton Road (A609).

Next dates are: 5th December, 2013, 13th March, 5th June, 9th October, 4th December 2014.

Organiser: Jill Russell (nee Westmoreland) (Mundella 1945-52)

Tel: (0115) 965 3788 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The lunches are always on Thursdays from 12 noon to around 2 pm. Diners can order whatever they want from the menu which is changed monthly, from a light meal to something more substantial. The Wollaton styles itself as a Gastro Pub. As the pub likes some idea of numbers attending, Jill will need a call from any new members wishing to attend.

Background to Luncheon Club
The Luncheon Club was started by a group who attended one of Alan Jennings Re-unions. The group all started Mundella in 1939 (on the 3rd September) - and that evening took home a letter to return in the morning with a packed suitcase because the whole school was being evacuated to Stamford the next day. Of course not all the founder members are still with us or able to travel to the venue as they are in their middle 80's. New members have been recruited from later generations, so there is now quite a mixture of ages.